Thursday 20 March 2014

Womenstuff Hunt (part of the Megastuff Hunt) - this month only! - PART 4 (last post)

From March 1st to 31st, the Megastuff Hunt is on. There are 3 paths, the Menstuff, the Homestuff and the Womenstuff Hunts. All paths are 1L hunts. I will be blogging the Womenstuff part of the hunt for you. We're looking at 200 stops total, so I'm gonna show you all the pics, and the rest is up to you!

First, all hints and store locations are HERE.This is post 4 of 4. The first post is HERE. The second post is HERE and the third post is HERE. Happy hunting! On to the prizes:

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OK! That's me done. I'm gonna go lie down somewhere and recover lol. Hope you've found these blog posts useful. If there's anything else you'd like to see me blog - just drop me a notecard (Wynn Klaar) inworld.

Happy hunting x

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